Our Bovis Home

We bought our dream home from Bovis Homes, only for it to turn into a nightmare!

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our bovis home

Our Bovis Home Blog

In December 2018 we reserved from Bovis Homes (part of Vistry), what we thought was going to be our dream home. We fell in love with the design of the house, knowing that this would be our forever home, one where our children can always come when life gets tough, where, hopefully, Grand Children will have enough room to play and where we can entertain friends and family.

Little did we know that what we would get is a house that, whilst we still love the design and still hope will be our family’s hub, is in our opinion poorly built, often defying logic, it has had hundreds of snags and quite a few more serious build defects. We have found Bovis to be extremely slow in rectifying issues, they have been dismissive and untruthful, they frequently go back on their word to fix things, often despite having written confirmation. Their contractors have been verbally abusive and have repeatedly failed to follow HSE Regulations. In this blog we will detail our journey, our thoughts, how everything has affected us and our family, the purpose of this blog is to give us an outlet, a therapy session if you will getting all our frustrations and worries down, but more than that it is to highlight to others that you are not alone.

One of the things that this experience has highlighted is the general apathy toward New Builds. What I mean by that is when discussing our new home and talking about the defects we have encountered this kind of reaction: In one breath the other person will decry that this is awful and shouldn’t happen and in the next they will state something along the lines “well that’s new builds for you” – like our society has accepted that new build homes are poorly built and that there is nothing that can be done. It is this we think, that needs to be challenged. Not that we are expecting to change the world, but we might make a small difference, however small, to us it almost doesn’t matter as long as something changes. If our experiences and this blog help others who are experiencing the same, either from Bovis or any other home builder then we have succeeded in our goals. But we do know one thing, if we do nothing, then nothing will change. And of course, you never know that small change might be that Bovis and other home builders just might start to treat their customers more fairly, they might fix issues in a timely manner, they might quality check the houses they throw up as quickly as possible, they might stop backtracking, misleading and fobbing off their customers – you never know! 

Jules & Sean

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